How to describe this on-going research project for me is still unclear. I feel it contains several intertwined layers and storylines which continuously unfold and generate new meanings and perspectives. Every time I present Primordi, it happens in a different way, so please consider the following introduction just as one of the many possible ones.
In this on-going project I imagined how 5 fictional characters called “Primordi”, would together inhabit the planet. I imagined and materialised their stories, professions, interdependencies and values through a repertoire of writings, drawings, performances, objects and tools. The installation's pieces could be therefore looked at backwards and frontwards: elements realised by the characters in order to re-present themselves. Embodying multi-layers of meanings and storylines they continuously unfold and reveal new perspectives upon concepts such as marginality, independence and mutual aid.
Through various installations, sometimes narrative, sometimes interactive or as an archeological display, the under-construction habitats and stories of Primordi are narrated, triggering reflections upon the alternative ways humans could inhabit the planet.
Narrated by the characters Carola and Pablo, Diario d'Esodo (Exodus Diary) is a written research-journey which helps to locate "Primordi". Starting from the analysis of the capitalistic/authoritarian paradigms of space and relations the writing explores the state of exception as a possible spatiality for collective emancipation. The last chapters of the journey reveal glimpses of different ways of inhabiting by enhancing mutual synergy and self-organisation.
Images: Helena Roig