⊕ Le Memorie (diaries)
Le Memorie are my diaries written over a period of 8 years. I perceive them as an extension of my mind, a first shy materialization of my emotions, creative thoughts, empty moments and memorable adventures.
⊕ Poems and other monsters
Sometimes my hand, some ink and a paper know better how to digest my emotions or thoughts; they stay sincere, straight to the point. Here they are. I am thinking of curating them into a publication one day...
⊕ Brainstorming into my notebooks
I share here messy insights behind my projects, theoretical research, sketches, references...
⊕ Diario d'Esodo (research essay)
In my Master thesis Diario d'Esodo (Exodus Diary) I investigate the contemporary social and spatial tissue and the potentialities contained in the interstices of its mesh. The research-journey unfolds from the analysis of the capitalistic/authoritarian paradigms of space and identities towards the state of exception as a possible spatiality for collective emancipation. I attempted to cross-over theories and visions of thinkers like M. Foucault, L. De Cauter, S. Stavrides, H. Bey, G. Clément and C. Ward as a starting point to critically build alternative worlds. The thesis provided the theoretical framework for the Primordi project.
⊕ The Bridging Migrant (manifesto)
I have written this manifesto as a need to find words to describe the driving energy and approach of my practice, a kind of energy that I am sure is and could be further shared between other fellow humans. This writing is a result of my site experimentation 2A Interzone.
⊕ Architecture of the Abandonment (research essay)
This research investigates the socio/spatial potentialities of what is marginal within the architectural field. The first part is a repertoire of experiences, projects and architectural cases organised in 4 thematics: - Itinerant living in impermanent places, - The abandoned outskirts as experimental peninsulas, - Autonomy in building construction, - The creativity-reuse synergy in building construction. The analysed thematics provided a ground to reformulate an alternative type of architecture and way of inhabiting in which they converged together. The second part is a detailed analysis of a siderurgic centre as a possible site where to prototype such architectural scenario.